Check out my latest blogs on sexual health, relationships, harm reduction, and social justice. If you want to see my daily updates on social media, look up #squishytalk!

Harm Reduction: Knowing is Half the Battle


If only…….



Launching my dreams: ManaFirst Consulting

“You gotta know where you came from in order to know where you are going!”

It’s been a year…..

An itch, drip or burn

Do you see me: TDoV

Determinants, Risks & Decisions: Women and HIV

‘Social Determinants of Family’

Holiday Harm Reduction

HIV: What it is, how you get it, and where to test….

Building trust through agreements

Getting our needs met…..

Communication is a form of protection…..

Just because Webster’s has a definition…..

Keeping it correct with condoms

Condoms, gloves, and dental dams oh my

Condoms, gloves, and dental dams oh my

Signed, “Itchy”

STDs: Educate, Test & Treat

My wife wants to know why we have to wear underwear….

Strategic Sexual Health Plan

The SquishyLady